Unattend.Xml Computer Name Serial Number

Posted by admin- in Home -31/10/17
Unattend.Xml Computer Name Serial Number Rating: 3,5/5 8436votes

var q unattend. xmlcomputernameserialnumberenspenspI look at unattend. xml of the pc and it looks like the varaible Serial is. In the Computer name section of the unattend is Computer. System. Serial Number. Now, we can save the answer file and name it as we want to. But the file extension must always be. xml. Save the answer file to root of any drive other than C. Setting Computer. Name in unattend. Ive got a WDS environment setup that has been working beautifully for a long time now. We want to make a small change to the way PC are named during the deployment phase. Currently, WDS automatically names the machine with the user name, and then some random characters. USER Q0. 43. 52. This was fine, but we now would like to change it something like COMPANYNAME Q0. Can you use a text string, plus an asterisk in the unattend. So it would look similar to this lt Computer. Name COMPANYNAME lt Computer. Name. If not, what is a good way to do this Are additional scripts requiredSOLVED Set Specific increasing in number Computer Name with WDS and Unattended. Windows 7 Forum. I am new to WDS, we have always cloned our HDs to deploy new Computers but this takes to much work and time.  I setup WDS and everything is working fine. But i was wondering if there was an easier way to 1. Set An specific name such as CSR PC 0. PC it will automatically name a computer to CSR PC 0. CSR PC 9. 99, etc.  2. Join the domain and Place it under a specific OU.  Things i have tried archMicrosoft Windows Shell Setupneutral. Setting the Computer name so it gives me a random name, and under archMicrosoft Windows Unattended. Joinneutral Machine. Oject. OU OUPC,OUGrou,OU,Location,DCDomain,DCcom Unsecure. Join falseWith This Set up, the computer gets deployed and gives me a random name which is usually made of   the First 6 characters of the registered owner random characters.  ex. Domain KillasdI dont want that.  So what i did was set the. Wmic Bios Get SerialnumberComputer. Name lt blank and set Unsecure. Join False this Causes the Computer to prompt for a name after setup is done.  If i Set. Computer. Name  et Unsecure. Joing True The the Computer pulls the name from the WDS AD DS with the right format but it sends the computer right to the default computer location, and not the OU i specified within the autoattend. WDS to sent it to a specific OU with the browse option under AD DS tab, but i dont want to use that option because that i make all the computer i deploy to go to that locations. Instead Every Deployment image, for CSR, or General Employees, etc. OWN answer file with their own increasing in number Dept Pc 0. OU.   I cant use Machin. Name as this would look for a preetaged computer which i dont have or want to do. Is there anyone who would be kind enough to help me solve this issue I thank you in advance. Dell Serial Number Lookup ToolMy Windows Serial NumberUnattend.Xml Computer Name Serial NumberUnattend.Xml Computer Name Serial Number